HI-TECH SPV is an Indian company specializing in manufacturing all kinds of special-purpose trucks, such as fire engines. Dinesh Waghmare is the CEO of the company. The company is 17 years old and has been using DYNASET Products in its trucks for about seven years.

Which DYNASET Products does the company use?
- We have mostly used HPW Hydraulic High Pressure Water Pumps and HG Hydraulic Generators. We are the manufacturer who uses DYNASET HG hydraulic Generators in fire engines in India. Most of our fire engines are equipped with them. As a company, we want to make special purpose vehicles like fire engines better and more useful in India, says Dinesh Waghmare.
Fire engines are equipped with equipment from many different companies, and Dynaset is one of them. The generators are basically used to power up electrical appliances on rescue missions, but how are the pumps used?
- HPW Hydraulic High Pressure Water Pumps are used for high-pressure fire fighting equipment, especially on our quick response vehicles (QRV). We call it a water mist pump because of the type of usage.
HI-TECH supplies fire trucks for corporates who want to have their own fire engine for their usage. For example, the company has delivered a fire engine to the Serum Institute of India. This institute is the world’s biggest vaccine manufacturer.

- Also, this fire engine had a DYNASET HG Hydraulic Generator, says Dinesh Waghmare.
Why did HI-TECH SPV choose DYNASET Products to be used in their trucks?
- They are very compact, and their performance is very good. The small size of them is very important to us. Our customers are also being very satisfied with the abilities that DYNASET products have made possible, says Dinesh Waghmare.