Greenwood Engineering A/S is the inventor and the manufacturer of the Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) and other specialized measuring equipment for the global rail and road sector. The company was founded in 1992 by Mr. Leif Grønskov, who is still the owner and CEO creating a stable development of the company with a strong focus on state-of-the-art technology.
Especially TSD is characterized by making continuous road bearing capacity measurements at normal traffic speed and thereby replacing more traditional equipment for point measurements. This not only gives a much higher data quality, but it is also much more cost-effective as well as increases road safety, and decreases traffic pollution. TSD uses DYNASET HGV POWER BOX 15.1 Variable Hydraulic Generator System as the generator to generate electricity for the measuring instruments, air conditioning, and other appliances.
The Greenwood measuring equipment is used under various climate conditions in over fifty countries around the world by road and railway authorities, contractors and research institutes, and universities – all in the process of optimizing the maintenance planning, reducing maintenance cost, and extending the lifetime of roads and railways.
HGV POWER BOX Providing Electricity for Appliances of TSD
So TSD’s appliances are powered by DYNASET HGV POWER BOX 15.1. The power box is installed into the side box of the truck that is used to pull the TSD-trailer. Greenwood Engineering A/S has a special deal with Mercedes-Benz which allows them to order trucks that has a specially arranged compartment for the power box.

- We have very good cooperation with Mercedes-Benz. Danish Mercedes-Benz dealer knows very well our requirements and they can arrange those trucks for all over the world. The dealer makes sure they make room for the DYNASET HGV POWER BOX 15.1 at the factory. So, when we get a truck there is room for the unit, and we just attach it and plug the hoses, said Sales Director Karsten Jensen from Greenwood Engineering A/S.
Greenwood Engineering A/S has now used DYNASET Products in TSDs for ten years. The power box plays a crucial role in the measurements because it provides the power for all the equipment that is in the trailer. The reliability is tested here because all measuring will stop if the generator fails to provide energy.

No Overheating Problems with HG Hydraulic Generators
Greenwood bought their first generator back in 2007 but they didn’t install it immediately. Actually, they installed it five years later into their TSD 3.
- The first unit that we bought was an HG Hydraulic Generator. The same generator was installed in 2012, and one of our partners built a box around it. We were worried about overheating the system, but they said it is not a problem with hydraulics. Back then, we were not experts in hydraulics, but now we have learned many things. Nowadays we have a cooperation about developing our own OEM model of the power box, said Karsten Jensen.
Since the third TSD, every unit has a DYNASET HGV POWER BOX as an electricity supply. Why did Greenwood choose the DYNASET Product for TSD in the first place?
- It was technically a good fit, ends Electrical Engineer Michael Desvig-Jensen from Greenwood Engineering A/S.