Contact us
You may contact us by filling the contact form,
by sending an email or directly by phone.
Our dealers will serve you globally. Dynaset Area Sales Managers will assist you to find local dealers.
Our sales team and technical support are available on weekdays from 8 am until 4 pm (GMT +2/EET).
Area Sales Manager, Location Maharashtra India
+91 897 605 8981 nitin.kulkarni@dynaset.comSHANNON UNDERHILL
Area Sales Manager, Location Brisbane Queensland
+61 402 857 742 shannon.underhill@dynaset.comName: DYNASET Oy
Business ID: 1907801-9
E-invoicing address: 003719078019
Operator: Maventa
Operator Identifier: 003721291126
Our Mediator Code if sending from Bank Networks: DABAFIHH
If you can’t send e-invoices, please send PDF –invoice by e-mail:
Notice: After submitting the form, you will receive the information to your email. If you are sending a product to Dynaset for a service, please print the email and include it with the product shipment.
Notice: After submitting the form, you will receive the information to your email. If you are sending a product to Dynaset for a service, please print the email and include it with the product shipment.