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Dynaset Released a New Hydraulic Generator Series!

November 11, 2020

New 65kVA and19kVA HG Hydraulic Generator Super Compact model 3

Dynaset released a new hydraulic generator series last spring. The series is called Super Compact and the release happened in March in Las Vegas at the Conexpo 2020 trade fair. The release in Europe was planned to be held also in March at Samoter 2020 expo in Italy, but the trade fair was postponed twice by COVID-19. As a result of this, Dynaset decided to bring these new models to European markets immediately.

The new series was received with open arms. In the markets of the USA, hydraulic generators are still quite a new concept. The expo visitors were interested in the new series, and many of them already knew about the new product series. This was a result of a marketing campaign of Super Compact that was done before and during the Conexpo.

Old HG20kVA vs New 19kVA HG Hydraulic Generator Super Compact model
The HG20 model from the previous series, which can be seen in the front, and the HG15 model was replaced with the new HG19 model. The new HG19 model can be seen at the back. The HG19 model is almost as powerful as the older HG20 but it is 35 % smaller.

What Is New In The New Hydraulic Generator Series?

But what’s new in this series? As the name suggests, these new models are smaller and lighter than previous models. For instance, if we take a closer look at the HG19F model, which replaces the HG15 and HG20 generator models from the previous series, HG19F is 35 % percent smaller than HG20. The new lineup has models that are up to 95 % smaller than equivalent diesel generators. In other words, you can have a powerful electricity supply ready-for-use without sacrificing all the room of your vehicle or without a need to drag a diesel generator around town.

Technical Improvements

There are also technical improvements in the new series. Let’s start with hydraulic requirements that improved due to motor improvements. For example, the new HG3,5 requires five liters less hydraulic oil flow, or nominal oil flow, in a minute than the previous model. In addition to this, the new HG3,5 is also two kilograms lighter and 10 mm shorter than the previous model. This makes the new series even more suitable for smaller vehicles, vessels, and machines.

HG35 Hydraulic Generator JLG 660sj Ylojarvi 2020
The size of the hydraulic generators is one important feature of them. The compact size makes installations possible to vehicles and machines where limited space is available. In the picture, the HG3,5 Hydraulic generator is installed on the platform lift.

There are also other improvements. The new series’ three-phase models have automatic voltage regulators (AVR) which keeps the output voltage stable. But what does this mean? To illustrate, when the hydraulic generator is under load, let’s say by a circular saw, and suddenly the load drops, the AVR reacts and keeps the voltage in control. Otherwise, without the AVR, the voltage output could fluctuate more when the load of the generator changes.

The three-phase generators have either a compound or an electronic voltage regulator. Both of them do the same trick, although the electronic voltage regulator is a little bit more accurate. Its accuracy is ±3 % of the set voltage while the compound regulator’s accuracy is ±5 % of the set voltage. The reaction time of both of them is less than one second.

The same kind of feature is on the frequency side. One thing that has to be taken care of in the design of hydraulic generators is the possible changes in hydraulic oil flow. That’s because if the motor of the generator is getting more oil flow than needed, the electricity output frequency would go up. This is prevented by automated frequency control that keeps the frequency constant. The frequency control is done by DYNASET RPM-Cartridge.

So, when you use a hydraulic tool, your vehicle’s or machine’s hydraulic pump provides hydraulic oil flow for it. When you suddenly stop using the hydraulic tool the flow can be too big compared to the system’s demand for the hydraulic oil flow. At the end of the hydraulic generator, this extra oil flow tries to spin the motor of the generator faster than it is designed. This could increase the frequency of electricity if there is no automated frequency control. Now the frequency control automation cuts the overflow and keeps the frequency at a certain level.

Depending on the model, the nominal oil flow can be exceeded by 20 – 30 % l/min and the frequency is kept in ±5 % of the set level. With these technologies, these generators provide even higher quality electricity to meet your appliance’s needs.

60 Hz Standard Models Available

The 50 Hz standard model’s lineup has twelve Super Compact models ranging from 3,5 kVa to 80 kVa. Super Compact series also has models that have UL-certification pending. These models’ frequency is 60 Hz and the power range is from 3,7 kW to 18 kW. Even bigger models are available on a request.

Check the Hydraulic Generator’s product site by clicking this!