Dynaset HMG Pro 12 Liebherr LH30 Brunila Kuusankoski Vantaa 2019 6 Print@2x

Demolition and Recycling

The demolition site involves handling various materials, meeting statutory requirements, and addressing environmental considerations. Discover our demolition and recycling solutions, featuring minimal water consumption for dust control, powerful vacuum systems, and magnets with the world’s fastest demagnetizing time. Unlock the full potential of your demolition machine with us!

Demolition and Recycling

Products and Applications for Demolition and Recycling

  • Hydraulic generators: electric tools, lights, heaters and coolers, backup power and welding 
  • High-pressure water pumps: dust suppression, water and abrasive cutting, power washing, bin cleaning  
  • Hydraulic compressors: pneumatic drills and hammers, air flushing, brake systems 
  • Hydraulic magnet: metal handling, sorting and recycling  
  • Hydraulic pressure intensifiers: power boosting of demolition tools like pulverizers 
  • Hydraulic vacuum bucket: collecting plastic, wood, isolator wool, LECA and other light materials 

Why choose the DYNASET solution for Demolition and Recycling?

  • Reduce recycling costs  
  • Powerful dust suppression with low water consumption  
  • Integrated hydraulic motors, no separate engines to maintain 
  • Reliable, easy install, and manage  
  • Integration into any machine or vehicle  
  • Available any time, also while driving  
  • Increases machine productivity and versatility 
  • Compact size saves space 


Demolition and Recycling

EPW DUST High Pressure Dust Suppression System EPW web
  • High pressure water

EPW-DUST High Pressure Dust Suppression System

EPW-DUST High Pressure Dust Suppression System is the most innovative dust control system for electric mobile machinery in demolition, street cleaning, quarrying, crushing, recycling etc. The system produces atomized water […]
EKR 2500
  • Compressed air

EKR Electric Screw Compressor

DYNASET EKR Electric Screw Compressor converts the electric power of a mobile machine, vehicle or vessel into compressed air. The EKR Electric Screw Compressor is the ideal solution for those […]
EPW200/30 DC
  • High pressure water

EPW Electric High Pressure Water Pump

DYNASET EPW Electric High Pressure Water Pump converts the electric power into high-pressure water. Line up consists both AC and DC-powered pumps.  The EPW Electric High Pressure Water Pump converts […]
dynaset hac hydraulic abrasive cutting system ylojarvi 2023 web 1
  • High pressure water

HAC Hydraulic Abrasive Cutting System

The DYNASET HAC Hydraulic Abrasive Cutting System converts the hydraulic power of mobile machinery, vehicles, or vessels into high-pressure water enhanced with abrasive sand, enabling safe, spark-free cold cutting.  The […]
HG 3 5 Hydraulic Generator Masked Print
  • Electricity

HG Hydraulic Generator

DYNASET HG Hydraulic Generator converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine, vehicle or vessel into high-quality electricity for all AC-powered electric appliances.  The HG Hydraulic Generator provides reliable, on-board […]
HPW 250 Masked Print
  • High pressure water

HPW Hydraulic High Pressure Water Pump

DYNASET HPW Hydraulic High Pressure Water Pump converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine, vehicle, or vessel into high-pressure water for a variety of applications.  Available in a vast […]
HPW 250 MOBI Hydraulic Power Washer
  • High pressure water

HPW Hydraulic Power Washer

DYNASET HPW Hydraulic Power Washer converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine, vehicle or vessel into high-pressure water for pressure washing.  The HPW Hydraulic Power Washer converts the hydraulic […]
HPW250 Dust Kit for Excavator
  • High pressure water

HPW-DUST High Pressure Dust Suppression System

DYNASET HPW-DUST High Pressure Dust Suppression System is the most innovative dust control system for mobile machinery in demolition, street cleaning, quarrying, crushing, recycling etc. The system produces targeted atomized […]
Blue Air HK450 Hydraulic Piston Compressor
  • Compressed air

HK Hydraulic Piston Compressor

DYNASET HK Hydraulic Piston Compressor converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine, vehicle or vessel into compressed air. The HK Hydraulic Piston Compressor converts the hydraulic power of a […]
HKR 1300 Hydraulic Screw Compressor Masked Print
  • Compressed air

HKR Hydraulic Screw Compressor

DYNASET HKR Hydraulic Screw Compressor converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine, vehicle or vessel into compressed air. The Hydraulic Screw Compressor is an extremely compact and robust unit […]
HMG PRO DSMART 10kW Hydraulic Magnet Generator 2023 masked web 2
  • Magnet power

HMG PRO Hydraulic Magnet Generator

DYNASET HMG PRO Hydraulic Magnet Generator converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine into DC electricity to power a lifting magnet. The HMG PRO Hydraulic Magnet Generator converts the […]
MAG 1400 Masked Print
  • Magnet power

MAG Lifting Magnet

DYNASET MAG Lifting Magnet is a high-quality magnet which is perfect to go with the HMG PRO Hydraulic Magnet Generator. The MAG Lifting Magnet is a high-quality, robust solution for […]
HMAG 900 Hydraulic Magnet Masked Print
  • Magnet power

HMAG Pro Hydraulic Magnet

DYNASET HMAG PRO Hydraulic Magnet converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine into magnet power. It has an integrated hydraulic magnet generator which makes it a complete all-in-one unit. […]
hpi 700 30 75 masked print
  • Power boosting

HPI Hydraulic Pressure Intensifier

DYNASET HPI Hydraulic Pressure Intensifier boosts any insufficient hydraulic pressure in order to power hydraulic attachments. The HPI Hydraulic Pressure Intensifier boosts insufficient hydraulic pressure, enabling smaller hydraulic systems to […]
HPIC 700 10 60 Hydraulic Pressure Intensifier for Cylinders Masked Print
  • Power boosting

HPIC Hydraulic Pressure Intensifier for Cylinder

DYNASET HPIC Hydraulic Pressure Intensifier for Cylinder (power booster) boost any insufficient hydraulic pressure in order to power hydraulic cylinders. The HPIC Hydraulic Pressure Intensifier for Cylinder boosts insufficient hydraulic […]
Dynaset HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket
  • Vacuum

HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket

The DYNASET Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine or vehicle into a vacuum for recycling applications and into air blow for cleaning tasks. Intermat […]
HCF 800 40 Hydraulic Centrifugal
  • Vacuum

HCF Hydraulic Centrifugal Fan

The DYNASET Hydraulic Centrifugal Fan converts the hydraulic power of a mobile machine, vehicle or vessel into high volume air flow for air blow and vacuum applications. The HCF Hydraulic […]
  • Know-How

Hydraulic Power Take-Off (PTO)

Hydraulic power take-off converts the mechanical power to fluid power for a piece of hydraulic equipment. Hydraulic Power Take-Off (PTOs) make it possible to use the engine power of a […]
Installation valves PV SAE ensisijainen
  • Know-How

Installation Valves

DYNASET Installation Valves guarantee an easy installation of a piece of hydraulic equipment to any mobile machine, vehicle, and vessel. DYNASET Installation Valves ensure seamless integration of hydraulic equipment into […]
HMV Modular Valve System Masked Print
  • Know-How

HMV Hydraulic Modular Valve System

DYNASET HMV Hydraulic Modular Valve System can be freely assembled from module slices that are stacked together in a sandwich-like manner. The HMV Hydraulic Modular Valve System offers a cost-effective […]

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HPW DUST Hydraulic Dust Suppression System Epiroc T40 Helsinki Web 9@2x

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