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New HSP Hydraulic Submersible Pumps are Coming

October 14, 2022

DYNASET HSP hydraulic submersible pumps

DYNASET HSP Hydraulic Submersible Pump was redesigned, and the new series takes a technical leap. The series has four models, and the maximum output is up to 8 500 liters per minute. In a nutshell, the series has improved the overall design, and the fan blade was improved.

First of all, the new series is more compact in size. Actually much more compact because the new pumps are up to 50 % less tall than previous models. Also head of the elevation is much higher, up to 50 meters, while in the predecessor’s series, the max was 35 meters. The fan blade of the pumps is state-of-the-art engineering giving an efficiency boost to the pumps meaning these pumps require less hydraulic power. Also, these pumps’ intake port is designed to decrease the risk of blockages. This is done by a bevel-edged intake plate and special fan blade, making the pumps even easier to use and maintain. Also, the suction strainer is designed so that it is easy to clean and it is also easy to detach if needed. The smallest model is designed to be fitted through a 150-millimeter diameter hole. The three biggest models come with a lifting handle, and all models can be complemented with hydraulic hose and water hose kits. The new HSP Series will be available in January 2023.

New HSP Hydraulic Submersible Pumps: HSP 6500, HSP 3000 and HSP 8500
DYNASET HSP Hydraulic Submersible Pumps were redesigned. As a result, the pumps are more compact than the previous versions. The new models also require less hydraulic flow. You can see three new models in the photo: HSP 6500, HSP 3000, and HSP 8500.

Read more about the new HSP Hydraulic Submersible Pump Series by Clicking This!