When people are asked, what is the most important thing when equipping a service van, they usually answer that the tools and equipment needs to be well organized, which is true. However, we would like to add few more important factors to this discussion.
From our perspective, a great service van has some characteristics:
It allows to keep your tools and equipment well-organized
It enables to work independently without having to search resources (like electricity)
It has electricity, high-pressure water, and compressed air available at all times
It saves trunk space for other uses
It enables to work easily and efficiently
Here we introduce some solutions for service vans.
Mercedez-Benz Sprinter – EP Steel & Machinery
EP Steel & Machine’s service van MB Sprinter is used for maintenance of heavy equipment.The Sprinter is equipped with DYNASET HG Hydraulic Generator and HKR Hydraulic Screw Compressor.
We able to save a lot of trunk space even though the van is equipped with generator, compressor, and shelves.
And still part of the service van’s trunk space is reserved for passengers. Without compact equipment this would be impossible.
Eemeli Pakarinen is a subcontracting mobile welder, who goes on site to repair forestry and construction machines, and other heavy equipment. He uses electricity for welding machines and compressed air for cleaning tasks and powering tools.Pakarinen thinks that Dynaset was the one and only option for him due to his interest in hydraulics and the brand he has known since childhood. He prefers hydraulic equipment based on his own experiences.
Ford Transit – DYNASET
Helen Karim exhibiting PPL Pipe Cleaning Unit on Ford TransitThe hydraulic system and equipment can be controlled from a phone app. The sockets are placed to a convenient location.HG Hydraulic Generator and HK Hydraulic Piston Compressor are mounted to the empty space in a corner.Finnish Area Sales Manager Jari Vuorenmaa introducing the fully equipped service van on a trade show.The compact size of the hydraulic equipment saves a lot of trunk space from the van for transportation of goods.
Mercedez-Benz Sprinter
HG Hydraulic Generator and HKR Hydraulic Screw Compressor have an easy access from the other sliding door.The manual control buttons for hydraulic system and equipment are located near the other sliding door for easy access.The service van has a worktop inside of the trunk space.The hydraulic equipment is mounted in the corner where is some unused space.The service van has a lot of shelves for organizing all the tools and equipment.
Ford Transit – PTO
A belt drive transfers the power of an engine to a hydraulic pump.The mechanical power runs the hydraulic pump which produces hydraulic oil flow.Hydraulic oil tank and cooler are installed into the chassis of the Ford Transit to save space.HMV Modular Valve System also installed into the chassis of the service vehicle. The valve system reduces pipes and hoses which decreases the risks of the system and speeds up the installation.