What kind of application is hydro-scaling? First, let’s see what the word scaling means. Scaling is an operation that is used in the fields of mining and drilling to freshly blasted rock while making tunnels. The scaling cleans a tunnel’s walls and roof from a loose material like semi-attached rocks that the blast didn’t detach perfectly. Scaling is extremely important to do because the semi-attached material is dangerous for the users of the tunnel. That’s because the material can fall onto someone or something.
So, in scaling these loose rocks and such are searched and removed before they fall uncontrollably. Mechanized scaling is done by mechanic machines used by an operator. These machines use, for example, a hydraulic hammer or a pick to detach the material. Manual scaling on the contrary is done by hand tools.
In contrast, hydro-scaling is a scaling technique that uses a high-pressure water jet for removing material. It is mainly done by a human-operated machine that is equipped with hydro-scaling equipment including a powerful pump. In some cases, manual hydro-scaling is also an option. The high-pressure water jet is directed to the roof and to the walls for detaching the material. That way the hydro-scaling technique doesn’t require touching the material as in the mechanical scaling. The water jet is, for example, directed to the cracks of the surface which detaches the loose material. The hydro-scaling also works as a preparation for applying shotcrete.

Hydro-scaling requires a powerful water pump, proper nozzles and piping, and of course a machine that provides the power for the scaling. DYNASET HPW Hydraulic High Pressure Water Pump lineup has a perfect pump for hydro-scaling, HPW 460, and it has been used for this for years. We also provide nozzles for the hydro-scaling.