Ylöjärvi, Finland in 1986. After careful thinking, one garage fills in of working sounds. In the garage, a young engineer has started to build the very first and iconic hydraulic generator. At the same time, a challenging journey was beginning. This engineer’s main goal is to convince people around the world to recognize that the world needs better machines, and the missing piece is hydraulic equipment. The engineer was full of self-confidence.
Courage and Self-confidence
The engineer in the garage was Reijo Karppinen and at that moment, DYNASET and its technology were born. It took a bucketful of courage to take the first concrete steps and from there on, success required a lot of time and confidence in doing your own thing.

Reijo had dreamt about his own company for years. In 1986, when he was taking the first concrete steps towards DYNASET, he asked opinions from Finland’s leading business consults. Their opinion was that there isn’t demand nor markets for hydraulic equipment. But Reijo had a well-argued point of view. He was sure that hydraulic equipment had huge potential. People just need to recognize it.

The First Person Which Have Worked For DYNASET
In 1986, Reijo got help with the establishment documents of the company from a young economy student. So, this student was the first person who have ever worked for DYNASET.
- I trusted him immediately and as the first task, he put the company documents in order. Meanwhile, I was deciding on a name for the company. After careful thinking, I come up with DYNASET. It can be divided into two sections: DYNA after the word “dynamic” and SET stands for a wide product range, tells Reijo Karppinen.

Think Big, Start small
DYNASET’s early stages required courage. Reijo took a bank loan to start the business and the first products were made under a very strict budget. For example, the first hydraulic power unit, which was used for product testing, was basically made entirely of scrap parts.
The first manufactured product was a generator and that was built inside the garage mentioned before. The generator was sold to a local scrap metal company’s truck to power up a magnet. After that Reijo got a few inquiries about hydraulic generators and business started to grow. The company got a flying start, but meanwhile, it didn’t even have a typewriter.
Reijo thought big but started via small steps and this strategy was rewarding. As a result, 35 years later, the garage has changed to a factory. This factory, which is also the headquarters of DYNASET, offers jobs to almost 100 employees and all of this has built around DYNASET Technology and the courage of this one engineer.