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Webcast – Work Truck Trends 2022

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Webcast Info

Title: Work Truck Trends 2022

Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Time: 2 PM (EEST / UTC + 3)

Duration: 25 minutes + questions

Hostess: Helen Karim

Speakers: DYNASET Area Sales Manager Hugues Lambert, DYNASET Area Sales Manager Nicolas Denoncin and Pajakulma work truck specialist Marko Oksanen. 

Price: Free-of-Charge

Language: English

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The webcast for June 2022 is “Work Truck Trends 2022 “. As the title suggests, the webcast will cover the current state and the future of work trucks as well as the emerging trends in the industry. Whether it is work trucks, service vehicles, or utility trucks you are interested in, the experts will talk about the different work trucks regionally and their equipment solutions. From this webcast, you will get practical insights about work trucks and the trends in the industry, such as electrification and equipment of work trucks.

The webcast line-up will consist of three guests and our spectacular hostess Helen Karim. The first guest and expert in the field, Marko Oksanen, is from a company called Pajakulma, which focuses on equipping multipurpose commercial vehicles according to customer needs. Pajakulma is Finland’s leading expert company in commercial vehicle design, manufacture, maintenance, and component services. Marko has been working with work trucks for over 20 years and now he is the head of Pajakulma’s office at Tampere.

The second guest in the discussion is Nicolas Denoncin from the DYNASET Sales team. Nicolas has worked for six years as an Area Sales Manager responsible for the sales area of France and Africa. The third and final guest in the webcast is Hugues Lambert, Area Sales Manager at DYNASET. Hugues has ten years of experience managing the sales area of North America. Both, Nicolas and Hugues have taken part in many work truck projects during their DYNASET Career and they can bring insight from Europe and North America.