Distribution of DYNASET Know-how and the knowledge of benefits of hydraulic equipment is hard work. Even though hydraulics itself isn’t new, considering that it was invented around 6000 BCE, its benefits and all its applications aren’t too clear to people. At the same time, there are a lot of possibilities in this field, and our team works hard to turn these hidden possibilities into a competitive advantage for you.
Our dealer network works as a precious distributor of hydraulic know-how, and a Swedish company called Amas is one of them!
Amas is a machinery attachment and equipment specialized company located near Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. We interviewed Vilgot Mäntynen, Sales Support Specialist of Amas, who is responsible for DYNASET sales in the company. What does Amas do?
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- We mainly sell excavator equipment for building, construction, recycling, and demolition jobs. We currently have seven employees and have hired one more who starts full-time after the summer. So our business is expanding as we speak, said Vilgot Mäntynen.
HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket – “A great addition to the side of hydraulic magnet”
Because most of their customers come from the demolition industry, they are excited about the DYNASET HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket. This bucket was introduced to the world in 2021. Now it is revolutionizing the sorting of light material, for example, on demolition sites. Long story short, this unique excavator bucket is made for collecting light material easily and fast as a sort of vacuum cleaner. It can be used in many industries like construction, maintenance, infrastructure, and demolition. Especially in demolition sites, the bucket gives significant advantages because sorting waste makes waste management costs smaller, meaning savings to contractors. The bucket also makes working safer because now you can replace hazardous manual work, like collecting sortable materials from ruins and partly demolished buildings.

And what were Vilgot’s initial thoughts about this new type of light material sorting device?
- My initial thought was that it is a great addition to the side of a hydraulic magnet. The bucket looks nice and helpful in picking up light material. Actually, we were showcasing HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket in Maskinmässan, the biggest machinery exhibition in Sweden, at the beginning of June 2022. We got attention with it, even though we couldn’t run a full demo because of the exhibition restrictions. Have to say that the bucket has great potential because today, it is wise to sort material when you demolish something because it lowers the contractor’s waste management costs.
And what other applications Vilgot Mäntynen sees for the HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket in Sweden?
- One application is cleaning debris thrown on the roadsides, which becomes visible when mowing them.

Two Experts Together, Ensuring the Best Customer Experience
Amas is an excellent example of DYNASET and dealer collaboration because they are experts in their field, and through partnership, they have Dynaset’s technical support available.
- I think the collaboration is working great. We may not be as technical as Dynaset’s guys in some areas, and if we need technical support, we get it. Regarding the products, we have got a lot of good feedback. People are still amazed at how much power you get from small pumps, generators, and compressors.