The world is filled with different industries. At the same time, it is possible to find our products everywhere. You can find our pumps from oil platforms in the middle of the sea and our generators from forest machines in the Scandinavian wilderness. In June, we presented two videos and two blog posts on how people use hydraulic equipment in the middle of the city.

The first and quite obvious way to use our products in an urban environment is power washing different things. Bus stops, park benches, entrances, outdoor statuary, and fences are easy tasks for power washing. The onboard pieces of equipment and water containers make this a popular application.
The second application can be found in Tampere, Finland. In the picture, you can see an excavator that has a set of track wheels and the DYNASET KPL High Pressure Street Washing Unit’s R-version which is attached to its boom. This unusual machine is used for tramway cleaning and maintenance. The KPL unit is modified for the job because it has a DYNASET WHU Water Heating Unit. It is installed onto the same frame as the water container. As a result, the unit is a perfect solution for cleaning the narrow grooves of the rails and railway switches. These tramway switches require lubrication that makes them like a magnet for dirt. As you know, the oily dirt requires hot water if you want to remove it. Further, if that is not enough, the same KPL and WHU combination can be used with a grease removal agent.

The third application is three-folded, and all of them utilize water. But in these applications, water is used to bind the dust. We are talking about the DYNASET HPW High Pressure Dust Suppression System. In the videos, you can see three dust-binding applications: dust-binding on a side mower, sweeper, and pulverizer.
The side mower with dust suppression was also introduced in a Finnish magazine called Kivirock. A company called Uudenmaan Työlaite Oy equips side-movers with HPW-Dust High Pressure Dust Suppression System because the mowing on roadsides often airborne the dust that is on the leaves of the plants. Especially in the suburbs, this means that the quality of air might be worse during the roadside mowing. That’s why Uudenmaan Työlaite started to equip these mowers with a DYNASET HPW High Pressure Dust Suppression System.
The video shows a common application where a classic sweeper is equipped with dust suppression. These machines are also used in the cities which might already have air quality problems. That’s why it’s essential to ensure that as much dust as possible is suppressed.
The last of the dust suppression applications is related to demolition. A pulverizer is an attachment used to tear down old buildings, which are often made of concrete. The dust suppression nozzles are installed near the pulverizer’s jaws, so the dust is controlled immediately when it’s airborne. The high-pressurized water mist creates a mist curtain that reduces the area affected by the dust. Demolition can airborne even hazardous particles, such as PM10 particles. These particles have to be suppressed as well as possible in the name of health because the operator of the machine, other workers on the worksite, and bystanders don’t want these particles to end up in their lungs.

The videos also included a couple more applications that didn’t utilize water, and the fourth application from June’s campaign is often seen on the demolition worksites. Lifting magnets are common in demolition sites because they make the scrap metal collection fast and safe. Now, we are not talking about fridge magnets because these magnets can lift hundreds of kilos at a time.
The fifth application is electricity that is produced with an onboard hydraulic generator. The videos show how they are used for drilling, welding, and powering up a jackhammer.
The last way to benefit from hydraulics in the urban environment in the two-video series is vibration. In these videos, the vibration is used by excavators, which is only one example of a carrier machine. The vibration can be used for soil compacting, enforcing digging into hard soil, and bucket emptying in city worksites. It can also be combined with an asphalt cutter to make the cutting application possible for even smaller machinery.

There are also many other ways to benefit from hydraulic equipment, but maybe these six can provide new ideas for you. The videos are linked below.