The best tools and pieces of equipment can be used for many different tasks. That way the contractor or the owner of them can save money and space. This makes the investments worth it. Markku Palonen, who works for the Tampere Tramway Alliance, is one of the first users of the DYNASET HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket. Maintenance of the tramway includes many different tasks and the versatility of the HRVB, which the Tampereen Ratikka have bought, helps a lot.
- At the moment [March 2021] we transport snow away from the track nearing’s. During this winter there has been a lot of snow and we try to keep the snowbanks under one meter tall, tells Markku Palonen
Let’s see how the HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket helps in each season!
Tasks for Every Season
In Finland, there are four seasons and there is something to do on each of them for the HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket. This underlines the versatility of it very well. In the wintertime, Markku Palonen used the bucket for blowing the snow off from the tracks. Especially the switches of the railroad yard can be blown clean with the bucket. Also, springs include such jobs because the water that comes from melting snow can make harm to switches and such.
- With the bucket, we don’t need to use that much of a mechanical brush for the same task, says Markku Palonen.

Markku Palonen knows what he is talking about because he has been working on the maintenance of railways for almost 30 years. During the summertime, the bucket is used in a bunch of ways.
- In summer, we collect trash from the sides of the tramway tracks. There is surprisingly a lot of trash near the tracks among the crushed stone and the bucket is the perfect tool for safe cleaning. That’s because another choice would be to have a manual worker who collects the trash by hand. I’ve found a knife and many glass bottles from the bucket after the cleaning so there is more than enough suction power. I also use the air blowing ability of it for blowing the mowed grass off from the tracks and railway dampers, explains Markku Palonen.
The tramway’s area is cleaned weekly, and the bucket enables a safe way to collect trash and debris. The HRVB is also a cost-effective way to clean festival grounds.
- The bucket would be great for park workers for cleaning tasks. That way they would not have to touch the trash by hand, explains Markku.
Markku Palonen also uses the bucket’s blowing ability in the fall. He uses it for gathering leaves into piles, and then he sucks the piles into the bucket.
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- Especially leaf piles are extremely easy to pick up. You do not need a manual worker with a rake because the bucket picks the leaves easily. There is no need for more accurate finalizing because the result is a clean lawn. If you try to catch these piles with a regular bucket there will always be some leftovers. And it is also easy to damage the lawn with a regular bucket, tells Markku Palonen.
He also has used a “pinching” usage style with the bucket. It means that he uses the bucket’s hatch to grab things.
- I’ve used the hatch to pick up a big pile of leaves and then finalized the job with the suction.
Versatility of The HRVB Has Surprised
HRVB Hydraulic Recycling Vacuum Bucket’s beaty lies in its versatility. Same unit can help in numerous tasks for many different fields of business. This versatility also seduced Markku Palonen when he saw the bucket for first time.
- Actually, Tampereen Ratikka was searching for an air blower but when I saw that the HRVB can be used also for suction I understood who versatile this would be on the tramway, ends Markku Palonen.